1. Keep the litter box clean. That means the litter box should be emptied at least once every day and cleaned every week.
3. Choose a secluded spot in the house to place the litter boxes.
4. Always have one or two more litter boxes than the number of cats in the house.
They can cause a lot of respiratory irritation and even cancer. Check out what the following websites have to say about this
6. Avoid the flushable toilet kind of cat litter. That doesn't make evolutionary sense because cats are simply not used to sitting on a toilet seat. It's a tough act for cats to follow even if they are trained for it.
7. Try to avoid the hooded litter box because that might make her feel a little uncomfortable. However, it's your cat's preference that you need to check out. Some cats may actually prefer that kind of litter box.
8. Don't declaw your cats. Do check out the Stanford Cat Network's views on what kind of litter material would suit your cats. In nature, cats have always preferred a sandy textured material.
9. Make sure that you have lots of interesting toys for your cats to play with.
10. Make sure that your cat's food place is no where near the litter space.
11.Make sure that your cats are getting all their regular intakes of vitamins and minerals. A mineral imbalance or deficiency leads to a condition called pica. You need to watch out for that. A cat with pica will eat a lot of non food material.
12.Some breeds like Persians are genetically predisposed to woolsucking and pica. Remember that and watch your cats carefully.
13. You must also remember that kittens are curious and playful by nature and will experiment with every new thing by eating some of it. So, you need to take care when you are training your kittens to use the litter box.
14.Get regular veterinary check ups done - at least every 6 months for allthe cats in your family.