Are you frustrated by your cat urinating where it shouldn't in your home? Tired of always having to clean up after your pet? Have you ever had the embarrassment of house guests who don’t say anything, but one look on their face and you know they smell what your cat did on the living room carpet. Sometimes cat owners aren’t even aware that their house smells of cat urine. But everyone else does!
You love your cat, but is the smell and damage from the urine costing you time, money, and headaches? If you’re like me, you’ve tried a lot of different products and followed numerous tips on correcting your cat’s problem. But nothing seemed to work.
I’ve owned multiple cats at one time and can tell you that getting rid of cat urine is a difficult job. Cats have a protein rich diet, which makes their urine smell worse than dogs, and more likely to penetrate and cause stains. Some of the things that determine how strong your cat’s urine will be in terms of staining ability on surfaces such as carpet are: Diet, Age, Sex, Health, and if any Medication is being taken.
Does YOUR home smell like a litter box?
It’s a hassle to keep cleaning that same spot your cat is always urinating on. That could be more quality time that you spend with your spouse, children, or your beloved cat. It frustrates me that cat owners can’t find a solution to their problem. When they do find something it doesn’t always work as advertised. Or worse yet, it just temporarily hides the problem.
There are many products in stores and on the internet that claim to get rid of pet urine and pet odors. But do they actually work as advertised?
To solve your cat urine problems, visit CatUrineRemedy.com